Goods and services are considered to be of Arab origin, and therefore eligible for financing, if they fall into one of two categories:
- Goods and related services produced or manufactured in an Arab country from raw materials and other inputs originating in that country or in another Arab country, or where the percentage of value added in Arab countries is 40% or more,
- Capital goods, raw materials, production inputs and related services imported from a non-Arab country to an Arab country.
The financing techniques used are: export pre-financing, export post-financing, import refinancing and buyer credit.
I-Eligible operations and financial conditions :
a- USD 175 million financing line:
Financing up to 100% of the value of goods and related services for the following commercial transactions:
- Exports to Arab or non-Arab countries
- Imports from other Arab countries
- Imports from non-Arab countries for production and capital goods
- Imports from non-Arab countries on condition that these imports are incorporated into the production of goods for export.
Financing conditions:
- 3 months: Libor/dollars 3 months + 1.500%.
- 6 months: Libor/dollars 6months + 1.625%.
- 12 months: Libor/dollars 6 months + 1.750%.
- 24 months : Libor/dollars 6 months +1.875%
- 60 months: (production and capital goods) : Term SOFR 6 months + a margin set by the Program according to the nature of the goods and the financing period.
b- USD 45 million financing line:
Financing up to 100% of imports of strategic products. – The financing period may not exceed one year. – Financial terms:
- 6 months: Libor/dollars 6months + 1.625%.
- 12 months: Libor/dollars 6 months + 1.750%.
II-Procédures d’imputation :
L’opérateur tunisien désirant bénéficier d’un financement sur les ressources du Programme doit adresser une demande d’imputation à la Banque Centrale de Tunisie accompagnée des documents suivants :
- Une copie du marché
- Une facture indiquant l’origine de la marchandise et le taux d’intégration
- Un accord préalable de sa banque pour fournir une autorisation de débit de son compte ouvert auprès de la Banque Centrale de Tunisie.
En cas d’accord de financement par le Programme, la Banque Centrale de Tunisie informe l’opérateur des conditions dudit financement en demandant son acceptation. L’opérateur doit fournir à la BCT son accord accompagné de l’autorisation de débit d’office du compte de sa banque ouvert auprès de la BCT dans un délai de 10 jours à compter de la date d’accord du programme.